Bruce and Nate before Stratton hike

Slick transportation

Nate coming up Stratton Pond Trail

Nate in photo shoot with schroom

Nate photos Bruce photoing Nate photoing Bruce...

Boys at Summit of Stratton Mt on Saturday

West from Stratton summit - panorama

South from Stratton summit - panorama

Resting after establishing camp Saturday at the base of Dorset

The boys in camp during breakfast Sunday

That's not blurry, that's his hiking pace
Hunting Camp in Middle of Nowhere
Photoing each other on the Dorset Peak trail
Nate finds a shortcut to the fire tower
Ground view at fire tower
Nate on South Peak summit
We knocked, and then let ourselves in
Was there a wedding up here
Bruce and Nate on Dorset Peak summit Sunday
Bruce on North Peak summit stump
Gearing up with poles for the steep descent
Nate fancies himself a photographer
Very cool lawn ornament in Manchester VT