Bruce and AJ 8-4-07
AJ and I run up 300 miles on August 4, 2007

Harley Ride with Nate 6-24-12
Bruce and Nate ride Harley's back up to the Canadian border and put in 400 miles each plus a stop at the Blessing of the Bikes in Colebrook NH on Sunday…

Harley Trip with Nate August 2012
Bruce and Nate rack up 700 miles in a 2 day motorcycle ride in MA, NY, VT and NH.

Harleyween Ride 10-31-09
Harleyween Ride 10-31-09

MA VT NY NH ride with John 6-27-2011
Bruce and John ride for Harley's 'Million Mile Monday' on 6-27-11 and log 280 miles each - across 4 states!

Nov 2011 Weekend HD rides
Bruce puts miles on the Harley three November weekends in a row: 11-13, 11-19, 11-26

Ride with John 9-10-11
Bruce and John take a Harley 9-11-11 memorial ride and end up in Meredith for lunch on the lake
Ride with John 9-11-2010
Bruce and John take a 9-11-10 Memorial ridenorthwest
Ride with John 08-03-09
Bruce & John log 385 miles in the North Country 8/3/09
Ride with John to Ogunquit 8-21-10
Bruce and John tour the southern Maine coast, Kittery, York, Ogunquit, Wells on 8-21-10.
Ride with John to VT 09-04-09
Bruce & John put in 380 miles into VT and back 9/4/09
Ride with John to VT 10-11-10
Bruce and John hit NH, MA, and VT on a Columbus Day Harley ride
Solo Ride 11-13-2010
Bruce puts in a solo 125 in southern NH just after Veteran's Day on Saturday 11-13-10
ZX9R For Sale photos
SOLD Feb 2008: 1999 Kawasaki ZX9R
Harley Trip to Maine June 7-8 2014
Bruce takes a 2 day jaunt up along the Maine coast and then inland to the Rangeley Lakes area with a few "new" guys as a bit of an experiment in search of more…
Harley October 2009 Rides
Photos from October Harley rides 2009
Harte Cottage Trip 10-8-11
Bruce takes a ride to Wells ME to visit the Hartes on October 8, 2011
Lakes Ride 9-18-2010
Bruce, John and Nate take a Lakes ride 9-18-10
Misc Harley Rides July 2010
Miscellaneous Harley Ride Photos July 2010
Misc Heritage Classic photos 2008
All manner of miscellaneous photos from my first season with the Heritage Softail Classic.
Miscellaneous Photos
Miscellaneous Motorcycling Photos from over the years....
Motorcycle Weekend ride 2013
Bruce and John put on 250 miles west and north in NH and complete the day by coming down through Weirs Beach on Motorcycle Weekend....a spectacular weather day…
Trip to Port Clyde and Belfast 08-08
Bruce and Lisa take the Harley to Belfast ME for the weekend 8/23 - 24 2008.
Solo Harley cruise to Hebron ME 7-21-13
Bruce puts on 130 solo miles on Sunday 7-21 up to Hebron Maine to visit Caleb and Lisa Bryant.
Harley Ride to VT with John on 8-5-13
John and I logged just under 350 miles up through Route 100 in VT to Waterbury on a spectacular early August weather day....cool and dry, never got down to a…
Bruce solo Weirs Beach ride 7-14-11
Bruce takes a solo Harley ride up to Winnepesaukee on 7-14-11
Harley Loop in northern NH with Jerry 07-15-13
Bruce and Jerry Dee put on just shy of 400 miles through the NH Great North Woods in nasty hot and sticky conditions. Great ride in the end, and thank heavens…
Bruce solo ride 8-8-10
Bruce takes a solo Harley ride into Sandwich NH area 8-8-10
Bruce and AJ 8-15-10
Bruce and AJ put on 230 miles of lakes and mountains 8-15-10
Berlin-Errol-Colebrook solo 7-20-09
Bruce rides 375 miles solo on his Harley 7/20/09: Alton Bay, Wolfboro, North Conway, Berlin, Errol, Dixville, Colebrook, Lancaster, Campton, Asland, Bristol,…
Ride with John 11-21-2009
Bruce and John log 145 miles on 11-21-09