Parking Idiots

I find them every week, no matter what vehicle I'm driving and no matter what measures I employ to avoid it. Simply put it never ceases to amaze me how inconsiderate and lazy humanity is, and a picture says a thousand words, so I'll keep adding to this folder as I get them.....
Parking Idiot at work...yes that's the dividing white line
Parking Idiot at work...yes that's the dividing white line
Parking Idiot who could have killed someone at my dump
Parking Idiot who could have killed someone at my dump
This is bad....reallly bad
This is bad....reallly bad
Give 'em a break, they're from VT
Give 'em a break, they're from VT
I park on the marked no parking zone because my double wide HCP space is not wide enough
I park on the marked no parking zone because my double wide HCP space is not wide enough
I was the 1st car in the lot and parked tight to the right because I know....
I was the 1st car in the lot and parked tight to the right because I know....
Because it's a high end rig....
Because it's a high end rig....
Handicappers just keep earning their badges...
Handicappers just keep earning their badges...
Kathy's school lot all the same day
Kathy's school lot all the same day
Kathy's school lot all the same day 2
Kathy's school lot all the same day 2