Tecumseh 08-11-2007

Bruce and Nate day-hike Mt Tecumseh (4003') on 8-11-07 with full 35lb backpacks as training for a late August backpacking trip.
Nate with a 35lb pack ready to assault Mt Tecumseh
Nate with a 35lb pack ready to assault Mt Tecumseh
Bruce with a 35lb pack ready to assault Mt Tecumseh
Bruce with a 35lb pack ready to assault Mt Tecumseh
Nate at an early view on Mt Tecumseh Trail
Nate at an early view on Mt Tecumseh Trail
Bruce at an early view on Mt Tecumseh Trail - Panorama1
Bruce at an early view on Mt Tecumseh Trail - Panorama1
Picture doesn't show it well - but steam pouring off Nate's back during a break
Picture doesn't show it well - but steam pouring off Nate's back during a break
Nate enjoys lunch at 4003 feet
Nate enjoys lunch at 4003 feet
Semi-obstructed view from summit of Mt Tecumseh
Semi-obstructed view from summit of Mt Tecumseh
Unobstructed view from summit of Mt Tecumseh
Unobstructed view from summit of Mt Tecumseh
Semi-obstructed view of a dog on the summit
Semi-obstructed view of fauna on the summit
Unobstructed view of the twins at the summit
Bruce at a placid stream crossing on the descent