Reggae Fest at Naswa

Bruce and Lisa attend Reggae Fest at The Naswa in Laconia with Mike and Nancy on 8-14-2010
Mike rolls in on my FLSTC
Mike rolls in on my FLSTC
Mike in Gilford
Mike in Gilford
Alton Bay panorama
Alton Bay panorama
Lunch scenery to the left
Lunch scenery to the left
Lunch scenery to the right
Lunch scenery to the right
Reggae Fest at the Naswa
Reggae Fest at the Naswa
Reggae Fest under the tent
Reggae Fest under the tent
Beach side Reggae Fest view panorama
Beach side Reggae Fest view panorama
US !!
US !!
Our free Bacardi drinks at Reggae Fest
Our free Bacardi drinks at Reggae Fest
Our awesome waitress Lauren
Beach boats beers
Children with colorful cocktails
Docked Doggie
Nice ride...