Miscellaneous January and February 2016
Scenes from the early months of 2016...

Independence Day Paaahty
It was Independence Day and I celebrated it with family and friends I consider family. I couldn't have asked for a better party !!

The Happy Half of 2015
Moments from the second half of 2015 - the half following Independence Day, the half where I was free to smile and laugh with friends and family without…

Cat Sitting at Kathy's
For Kathy and Kevin's combined 50th Birthdays I cat sit their 10 for the weekend so that they can get away to Portland and celebrate.

November and December 2014
Photos of cats and stuff from November and December 2014

Lime Rock Racetrack September 11, 2014
Bruce and Dan travel to Salisbury CT to participate in the Mercedes-Benz "AMG Academy", a day of driving training on the AMG performance vehicle line. We were 2…
April 2015
The long winter starts to break and these are just a jumble of photos of things that made me happy in that timeframe.
Miscellaneous 2012
Miscellaneous July 2012photos - highlights...and yes of course, LOB/llowlights...
Miscellaneous October 2014
Cats, Gen-X visit, Harley ride to Portsmouth and other fun photos from October....
Nancy's Birthday Adventure August 12, 2014
For Nancy Beaudette's birthday Lisa and I gave her the Zip Tour at Gunstock Mountain Resort, something we've discussed numerous times with them in summer get…
Miscellaneous August 2014
Cats, Moms, rainbows and more in August.....
Maureen's Birthday Party July 19, 2014
Lisa's cousin Maureen Lein celebrates her 60th Birthday with her friends and favorite event - a Fisher Cats baseball game in Manchvegas!
Miscellaneous July 2014
Photos from stuff that has gone on in July.....good, bad, and ugly.....
Porch Project Summer 2014
We sold the hot tub and are in the process of making a new "hanging out" space in the bump out where it was. This folder will continue to be updated as we move…
Miscellaneous April through June 2014
Family, friends, biking, golfing etc. coverage from April - June 2014.
Miscellaneous winter 2014
This is a collection of miscellaneous photos and videos from January - March, trying to show indoor activity, outdoor activity, and some fun had by all while…
Miscellaneous December 2013
Plenty of Dega and Tucker photos and videos, and a few others made this months "print" as well....
Miscellaneous November 2013
Photos of Thanksgiving, MTB bridge building, Dega and Tucker, November golf and other November moments caputured digitally....
Miscellaneous Sept and Oct 2013
A few photos of family and friends in the past few weeks....
Visiting Mike and Nancy in Gilford
Bruce and Lisa visit Mike and Nancy in Gilford on Saturday August 17. We brunched at Kitchen Cravings and then took a nice long cruise around the lake on the…
Team Green Sail 07-17-13
The available half of the Team Green Investment Club sets sail on the 38.8 foot Kismet as a well wishing retirement sail for Gil.
Maker family visit in Rye NH 07-14-13
Bruce and Lisa visit Lisa's brother Dana, his wife Caron and hs daughers Malorie, Alexis, and Jillian during their week at Rye Beach in NH for vacation.
Misc 4th of July Weekend 2013
Hiking and biking have separate photos, but over the same Independence Day holiday weekend Bruce played golf, moved into his new corner office, and enjoyed the…
Misc May 2013
Misc photos from May....cats, geese, heron, hearty golfers !
May 2013 Graduations
Our niece Emily graduates Magna Cum Laude from Johnson and Wales University in Providence RI. She had 4 sets of tassles for her various achievements, was…
Second and Third weekends in April 2013
Some photos depicting activity in the second and third weekends in April as outdoor weather arrived in earnest.
First Weekend in April 2013
A varriety of pics from the first weekend in April as outdoor weather shows signs of life.
Blizzard of 2013
22 inches of snow Friday 2-8 through mid day Saturday 2-9. It was beautiful but took just under 3 hours to conduct snow removal. God Bless Ariens..... :) And…
Misc May 2012
Miscellaneous May 2012 photos
Misc April 2012
Miscellaneous April 2012 photos
Port Washington
Bruce's friend Michael snaps some photos of the home where Bruce grew up on Long Isand
Misc Christmas Week 2011
Bruce finds some fun things to do while he's got a week in NH during the Christmas break.
Thanksgiving 2011
Bruce and Lisa have Karol, Art, and Janet as their Thanksgiving guests
North Conway BDay 2011
Bruce heads north with Nate for a 2 night backpack trip on Friday 8/19/11...but he's in for a surprise...
Beaches July 23-24 2011
Bruce and Lisa visit Pawtuckaway State Park and her brother and family at Rye Beach 7/23 - 7/24
Thunderbirds at Pease AFB
Bruce rides his Harley to the Boston-Portsmouth Thunderbirds air show at Pease AFB 8-13-11 Videos from the show:
Memorial Day Weekend 2011
Emily comes to visit in Litchfield over Memorial Day Weekend 5/28 - 5/30
Holidays 2010
Miscellaneous Holiday 2010 photos
House November 2010
House photos - post painting.....finally
Reggae Fest at Naswa
Bruce and Lisa attend Reggae Fest at The Naswa in Laconia with Mike and Nancy on 8-14-2010
Team Green Sail 8-11-10
Team Green Investment Club Meeting - Kittery Maine, 8-11-10
ERC Tina Tom
Misc July - Edgar golfs, Cousin Tina and Tom, and the ladies at Woods Pond
Alton Woods Reunion
Alton Woods 20 Year Reunion 7-3-10
NASCAR Weekend 06-2010
Misc NASCAR weekend photos June 26-27 2010
March Madness 2010
Mid March Madness, 2010 - crazy weather !
Misc Winter-Spring 2010
Misc winter-spring 2010 photos
Nancy BDay 8-13-2009
Bruce & Lisa spend the day in Gilford NH with Nancy and Mike for Nancy's 50th 8-13-2009
Misc Summer 2009
A few miscellaneous summer photos 2009
ERC May 2009
Edgar comes East to play with the boys over the long Memorial Day Weekend, 2009
Villa Crest July 2009
Wedding shower at Villa Crest
Christmas 2007
Christmas 2007 at Mom & Dad's and Kathy and Rick's
Pete's 50th
Pete's 50th Birthday party at CR Sparks
Daytona 500
Daytona 500 Party 2005
Boothbay ME
Hanging with the Matte's at their Hodgdon Island Inn in Boothbay Harbor ME
Bruce and Rob drive at NHIS
Bruce and Rob at the "Petty Experience" at NHIS 6/23
Gil and Mo's Wedding
Gil and Mo's Wedding, September 2006
Ruby Rainault
Ruby Rainault Rememberance, 2004
Gil's House in VT
Rainault Complex, Northern Kingdom, VT
Jack Mardoyan 50th
Jack's 50th Surprise Birthday Party on 10/20/2007
Natalie Mardoyan 21st BDay
Natalie Mardoyan's 21st Birthday, October 2009
Miscellaneous 2016
Scenes as the weather changes and life begins to occur outdoors. :)