Holidays 2018 and Winter 2019

Our motivational garage sign
Our motivational garage sign
Lovie and I starting spring training
Lovie and I starting spring training
My girl with Fat Franny
My girl with Fat Franny
The prize for the cold effort
The prize for the cold effort
Happiness is a warm Fire Pit
Happiness is a warm Fire Pit
Giving the One Day To Go sign
Giving the One Day To Go sign
Careful with that saw
Careful with that saw
The removal of the last permanent cast
The removal of the last permanent cast
Ahhhh...fresh air
Ahhhh...fresh air
Sun is precious this time of year
Sun is precious this time of year
Is winter almost over
Is winter almost over
Still nope
Still nope
Gunstock Itron Day - Tom Bob Bill and Mike
Gunstock Itron Day - Tom Bob Bill and Mike
Gunstock Itron Day - Nach
Gunstock Itron Day - Nach
Gunstock groomed
Gunstock groomed
Gunstock Itron Day - the pub
Gunstock Itron Day - the pub
Comfort comes in various positions
Comfort comes in various positions
Avoiding the melee in his 'Gloo
Avoiding the melee in his 'Gloo
Dead to the world
Dead to the world
Battling over blue chips
Battling over blue chips
Cat TV - unseeded
Cat TV - unseeded
Hey, YOU invited me by putting the stool cover up here
Hey, YOU invited me by putting the stool cover up here
Robin calls him an opportunistic infection
Robin calls him an opportunistic infection
Seems an unfair advantage
Seems an unfair advantage
Bruce with the Governor and fellow Toastmasters
Bruce with the Governor and fellow Toastmasters
Our friends Dan and Bob took a trip and thought of us...
Our friends Dan and Bob took a trip and thought of us...
Wren in Norton
Wren in Norton
After her tendon graft surgery
After her tendon graft surgery
The last day of Momma's personal Python
The last day of Momma's personal Python
The last day of Momma's personal Python 2
The last day of Momma's personal Python 2
Robin's Frankenhand December 2018
Robin's Frankenhand December 2018
Robin's Frankenhand December 2018  2
Robin's Frankenhand December 2018 2
On to the new Manneskin December 28
On to the new Manneskin December 28
On to the new Manneskin December 28  2
On to the new Manneskin December 28 2
Very briefly - an exposed left hand
Very briefly - an exposed left hand
Robin after her third and final surgery
Robin after her third and final surgery
Had a plate taken out in her mid December surgery but another put back in for this one
Had a plate taken out in her mid December surgery but another put back in for this one
Quite happy to be back in a cast
Quite happy to be back in a cast
Ah, now that's better
Ah, now that's better
Getting her final temporary cast off
Getting her final temporary cast off
Looking good going into the final cast
Looking good going into the final cast
Prior to stitches being pulled out
Prior to stitches being pulled out
Went with red for Valentine's Day coming up
Went with red for Valentine's Day coming up
New green cast after inadvertently dousing the green one in the Warenda hot tub
New green cast after inadvertently dousing the green one in the Warenda hot tub
Ready for the last Friday night with a cast
Ready for the last Friday night with a cast
Two days after Robin get her cast Jim sends us this
Two days after Robin get her cast Jim sends us this
Sending Jim a wish for a quick recovery
Sending Jim a wish for a quick recovery
Six Time Champs
Six Time Champs
San Diego playoff victory crew
San Diego playoff victory crew
Six Time Champs - the majority doesn't always win
Six Time Champs - the majority doesn't always win
Six Time Champs - the motto
Six Time Champs - the motto
Six Time Champs - makes 'em see red...
Six Time Champs - makes 'em see red...
Six Time Champs - good luck gear donned for Super Bowl LIII
Six Time Champs - good luck gear donned for Super Bowl LIII
Robin cranked throug puzzles in her one handed recovery
Robin cranked throug puzzles in her one handed recovery
Puzzle 2
Puzzle 2
Puzzle 3
Puzzle 3
Puzzle 4
Puzzle 4
He likes puzzles
He likes puzzles
But it's exhausting
But it's exhausting
January Game Night at the Warendas
January Game Night at the Warendas
January - she hiked and I rode
January - she hiked and I rode
Good roll this time of year
Good roll this time of year
Late January walk around PCC reveals  fence damage from huge trees
Late January walk around PCC reveals fence damage from huge trees
January hike
January hike
Finishing Lori's Christmas trail bites
Finishing Lori's Christmas trail bites
Another icy winter covering
Another icy winter covering
The one handed wonder wanting to do her share
The one handed wonder wanting to do her share
Late January snowshoe
Late January snowshoe
Late January snowshoe 2
Late January snowshoe 2 an annoying sort of way an annoying sort of way
On the way from a workout to the shower the bird feeder had to be brought in
On the way from a workout to the shower the bird feeder had to be brought in
A run in February in upper 50's
A run in February in upper 50's
Nate's second solo winter visit to NH's highest summit
Nate's second solo winter visit to NH's highest summit
Grabbing a  cocktail at Longhorn
Grabbing a cocktail at Longhorn
Robin goes straight blonde for a few days
Robin goes straight blonde for a few days
Visiting Dan and Denise before they return to FL
Visiting Dan and Denise before they return to FL
GKids Feb vacation week - Alex dons the cat pants
GKids Feb vacation week - Alex dons the cat pants
GKids Feb vacation week - Ian hiking....or maybe on a break
GKids Feb vacation week - Ian hiking....or maybe on a break
GKids Feb vacation week - Alex in hunting stand
GKids Feb vacation week - Alex in hunting stand
GKids Feb vacation week - Ian in hunting stand
GKids Feb vacation week - Ian in hunting stand
GKids Feb vacation week - SkyZone dodgeball 2
GKids Feb vacation week - SkyZone dodgeball 2
GKids Feb vacation week - SkyZone dodgeball
GKids Feb vacation week - SkyZone dodgeball
GKids Feb vacation week - SkyZone dodgeball Ian
GKids Feb vacation week - SkyZone dodgeball Ian
GKids Feb vacation week - SkyZone dodgeball Bruce
GKids Feb vacation week - SkyZone dodgeball Bruce
GKids Feb vacation week - SkyZone foam pit
GKids Feb vacation week - SkyZone foam pit
GKids Feb vacation week - SkyZone Ninja area
GKids Feb vacation week - SkyZone Ninja area
GKids Feb vacation week - SkyZone dodgeball victorious
GKids Feb vacation week - SkyZone dodgeball victorious
GKids Feb vacation week - Ian at Warenda hot tub
GKids Feb vacation week - Ian at Warenda hot tub
GKids Feb vacation week - after Warenda hot tub
GKids Feb vacation week - after Warenda hot tub
GKids Feb vacation week - after Warenda hot tub 2
GKids Feb vacation week - after Warenda hot tub 2
Hanging in the kitchen
Hanging in the kitchen
Stealing Tuck's Igloo
Stealing Tuck's Igloo
Oh, and this is my chair too
Oh, and this is my chair too
I'm not coming down there unless you put it in writing that you're not taking me to the vet
I'm not coming down there unless you put it in writing that you're not taking me to the vet
So Mama put it in writing and he came down
So Mama put it in writing and he came down
Cat TV - red squirrel
Cat TV - red squirrel
Don't interrupt, I'm studying
Don't interrupt, I'm studying
In my job you have to be on top of the paperwork
In my job you have to be on top of the paperwork
Can't touch Tucker's stocking
Can't touch Tucker's stocking
Cat TV - back yard deer
Cat TV - back yard deer
Cat TV - staged with seeds
Cat TV - staged with seeds
31 Greenwich Christmas - yup garage window lights too
31 Greenwich Christmas - yup garage window lights too
31 Greenwich Christmas 2018
31 Greenwich Christmas 2018
Jan and Terry Christmas Eve 2018
Jan and Terry Christmas Eve 2018
Christmas morning 2018
Christmas morning 2018
The Christmas Day crew 2018
The Christmas Day crew 2018
Loving life Christmas Day eve
Loving life Christmas Day eve
With her gift from Amy
With her gift from Amy
Amy and Tyler Christmas 2018
Amy and Tyler Christmas 2018
Alex viewing Granny's Space Boy work
Alex viewing Granny's Space Boy work
Ian chillaxin with Doug the Pug from Granny
Ian chillaxin with Doug the Pug from Granny
Christmas in Grantham 2018
Christmas in Grantham 2018
Christmas wreath yet dreaming of summer..
Christmas wreath yet dreaming of summer..
Apparently this is comfortable
Apparently this is comfortable
Tuckie loves the warmth of the sun
Tuckie loves the warmth of the sun
Friends...for the moment
Friends...for the moment
Sun buddies
Sun buddies
Presidential Aids
Presidential Aids
Denise and Robin with Blue Martinis
Denise and Robin with Blue Martinis
FJames on target with his 22
FJames on target with his 22
12 Gauge - now THAT was fun
12 Gauge - now THAT was fun
Thanksgiving 2018 in Grantham
Thanksgiving 2018 in Grantham
Gil and Paula visit in November
Gil and Paula visit in November
A CarPad for Deirdre
A CarPad for Deirdre