Miscellaneous July and August

Miscellaneous Summer Photos....recently added photos of Dega on Kitty Valium, Mom and Dad's trip to Greenport LI and some MTB ride pics including Nate's crash and ER fun....
Brothers intertwined
Brothers intertwined
Life is Good...at chillax time
Life is Good...at chillax time
Life is Good...at bedtime
Life is Good...at bedtime
Dega on kitty valium
Dega on kitty valium
Dega on kitty valium 2
Dega on kitty valium 2
Dega on kitty valium 3
Dega on kitty valium 3
Dega on kitty valium 4
Dega on kitty valium 4
Dega on kitty valium 5
Dega on kitty valium 5
Dega on kitty valium 6
Dega on kitty valium 6
Dega on kitty valium 7
Dega on kitty valium 7
Dega on kitty valium 8
Dega on kitty valium 8
Dega on kitty valium 9
Dega on kitty valium 9
Dega on kitty valium 10
Dega on kitty valium 10
Dega on kitty valium 11
Dega on kitty valium 11
Greenport - View from Mom and Dad's room
Greenport - View from Mom and Dad's room
Greenport - 57 Steps
Greenport - 57 Steps
Greenport - The Long Island Sound
Greenport - The Long Island Sound
Greenport - Mom and Dad's pier view
Greenport - Mom and Dad's pier view
Greenport - Mom in the swing of things
Greenport - Mom in the swing of things
Greenport - Dad at the beach
Greenport - Dad at the beach
Greenport - Dad's best friend's house - Bruce Rackett
Greenport - Dad's best friend's house - Bruce Rackett
Greenport - Dad's folks, the third generation here
Greenport - Dad's folks, the third generation here
Greenport - Mom and Dad's dinner view
Greenport - Mom and Dad's dinner view
Mom with neighbor and Patriots Heaad Trainer
Mom with neighbor and Patriots Heaad Trainer
Mom wearing 3 genuine Superbowl rings
Mom wearing 3 genuine Superbowl rings
Vietnam - Nate crashes and smiles and laughs
Vietnam - Nate crashes and smiles and laughs
Vietnam - Nate crashes and smiles and laughs 2
Vietnam - Nate crashes and smiles and laughs 2
Vietnam - area map
Vietnam - area map
Vietnam - Map kiosk in the middle of nowhere
Vietnam - Map kiosk in the middle of nowhere
Musquash - Nate crashes...no  smiles no laughs
Musquash - Nate crashes...no smiles no laughs
Musquash - Nate displays his shin injury
Musquash - Nate displays his shin injury
Musquash - and the shin bone's connected to the....
Musquash - and the shin bone's connected to the....
Musquash - triage pre ER trip
Musquash - triage pre ER trip
Musquash - sew...what you been up to...
Musquash - sew...what you been up to...
Musquash - 8 neat stitches
Musquash - 8 neat stitches
Musquash - the end of Nate's day
Musquash - the end of Nate's day
Optimism is the birth of adventure
Optimism is the birth of adventure
Pack covers before we even hit the trail
Pack covers before we even hit the trail
Smiling but cringing at the cracking thunder overhead
Smiling but cringing at the cracking thunder overhead
Our brief 'chill' between storms near the tree line
Our brief 'chill' between storms near the tree line
Quick take the photo and then run for cover
Quick take the photo and then run for cover
An amazing woman in so many ways
An amazing woman in so many ways
Mom working my gardens
Mom working my gardens
Dad joins me for a round at PCC
Dad joins me for a round at PCC
Laura and Em visit Litchfield
Laura and Em visit Litchfield
Emily lives in CT....at the moment
Emily lives in CT....at the moment
Laura lives in Worcester
Laura lives in Worcester
An important starter decoration
An important starter decoration
From Brother Kevin to put a smile on my face
From Brother Kevin to put a smile on my face